About YCAT

Coalition of Transport Action Groups (CTAG) Rally, Sunday 26 October 2008, Flinders Street Station

Coalition of Transport Action Groups (CTAG) Rally, Sunday 26 October 2008, Flinders Street Station.

2013-2016 update

For regular updates on YCATs 2008-2016 seemingly eternal, multi-generational campaigns related to the Kennett, Brumby Baillieu  now ex-Napthine government’s proposed East West road link, IT’S DEAD according to Daniel Andrews …..  please refer to our media platforms including:

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Yarra Campaign for Action on Transport (YCAT),  previously known as Yarra Campaign Against the Tunnel, is a community coalition of individuals and local groups concerned about inappropriate road developments in Abbotsford, Collingwood, Fitzroy, Carlton, Carlton North and Clifton Hill.

YCAT started in 2008 as a community reaction to the East-West Road tunnel proposed in Rod Eddingtons Investing in Transport report.

YCAT are a non-politically aligned group, who’s focus is networking, skills and information sharing, although we clearly make mention that there are numerous individuals, local organisations and members of several political groups who are involved with this campaign, working towards improvements to Melbournes public transport, and against the East West Link zombie project. We warmly welcome anyone with these shared goals to become involved with our group.

In times of rising fuel prices, oil supply issues, health concerns about air pollution and global warming, it seems to be bordering on an obscenity that Victoria’s elected state government is prepared to listen to private enterprise rather than the real concerns of local communities.

You can also take action – please inform all your family, friends, neighbours, work colleagues, school & friends about what is planned in our suburbs.

In 2012 the Liberal government put the East West Link back on the agenda. The time to stop the East West Link is now at the planning stage and remember if planning for this toll road goes ahead there will be no Doncaster Rail or long term improvements  to Melbourne’s public transport infrastructure

YCAT is a supporting group of Yarra Council’s Trains Not Tolls Campaign and is represented by several members on Yarra’s Public Transport Advocacy Campaign Committee.


Previous Tunnel Campaign (2008 – 2009)

YCAT attended the community reference group for the Hoddle Street Study, and theNorthern Central City Corridor Study Study (NCCCS 1999).

The initial idea for the tunnel came from a report by engineers GHD. which was commissioned by the Department of Premier and Cabinet

GHD  is the same Australian company banned by the World Bank for defrauding a fund to rebuild Indonesia after the 2004 tsunami and earthquake

The road tunnel is outlined as Recommendation 4 in the East West Links Needs Assessment Report (EWNLA) commissioned by the Victorian State Government.

The massive 18km road tunnel is proposed to be constructed in Melbournes inner north and west suburbs between Collingwood, Carlton, Kensington and Sunshine.

YCAT is totally opposed to this road tunnel and the massive impacts it’s construction will have on our local communities, which include:

  • Compulsory acquisition of residents homes,
  • Destruction of public space and park amenities,
  • Heritage destruction
  • Air pollution and noise
  • Doing nothing to  alleviate long term road congestion and related issues,
  • The estimated $9-10 billion projected to fund the road tunnel would be better utilised to fund massive improvements to Melbourne’s public transport requirements.

YCAT has linked up with the other community groups with the Coalition of Transport Action Groups, who are also fighting recommendations proposed in the EWLNA in Melbourne’s west and inner west.