So … you want to send a East West Link CIS submission but the deluge of information and documents is making it difficult to comprehend what exactly needs to be done? Here’s a collaborative wiki for the East West Link Comprehensive Impact Statement (CIS) to you help prepare a submission to the Independent Panel assessing the impacts of this ‘mad scheme’.
Use this site to gather information to help you or your group make a submission before 5:00 pm December 12th 2013.
- Additional Resources
- Example Submission from The Greens – Submission to Comprehensive Impact Statement Consultation
If you have ideas or information to share with the community, the wiki is open and easy for anyone to contribute. Please visit, bookmark it and contribute if you can, and more importantly write a submission to the panel.
Eddingtons Investing in Transport report (EWLNA) received over 2000 submissions back in 2008, so let’s make this public response even bigger and send a clear, strong message to this government (and whoever comes after them) that Victorians want a positive change in transport priorities and won’t be ignored, no matter how much they try to close down public consultation and stifle opposition.
The wiki is hosted by YCAT, but the views expressed are everybodys. Please share. Together we are stronger.
The YCAT committee