6 – 8pm, Monday, 4 June 2012, Meeting Room, Collingwood Library, 11 Stanton Street, Abbotsford.
Adjacent to Collingwood Station. All Welcome.
Though we had a small victory when the Federal Government declined to fund the East West Tunnel and Toll Road Link – this project is still very much alive.
The potential for funding in next years Federal Budget and new PPS contracts, negotiations and deals with the Transport Lobby, Toll Road Developers and Unions is very real.
It is also important to remember, as our euphoria subsides that, the current lack of funding will not stop the initial drilling, and soil testing planned for Alexandra Parade in the next few weeks. It will not stop the State Government’s infrastructure planning, which preferences roads, or the initial feasibility processes.
In response, we will revisit YCAT’s campaign plan and strategies; remember Ycat’s brief is a public transport (Doncaster Rail) action/advocacy group.
A Campaign Meeting is scheduled for Monday, 4 June 2012 and member groups are requested to ensure that a representative from each group as well as individual members attend this meeting.
Please start talking about campaign strategies now – these can be forwarded to freda.watkin[AT]gmail.com and I will then circulate them.