
This is our city

YCAT are a non-politically aligned group, who’s focus is networking, skills and information sharing, although we clearly make mention that there are numerous individuals, local organisations and members of several political groups who are involved with this campaign, working towards improvements to Melbournes public transport, and against the East West Link zombie project.

We warmly welcome anyone with these shared goals to become involved with our group. Please let us know if you know of additional resources that should be listed or corrections.

YCAT Resources

For regular updates on YCATs 2008-2016 seemingly eternal, multi-generational campaigns related to the Kennett, Brumby Baillieu  now ex-Napthine government’s proposed East West road link, IT’S DEAD according to Daniel Andrews …..  please refer to our media platforms including:

eventsfacebook | news archive | newsletters | photo galleries | podcasts | twitter | scribd | soundcloudstorify | youtube

Websites and studies republished by YCAT in the interest of social history and public transparency.

Eddington Investing in Transport Report (2008)
Hoddle Street Study (2010)
Murphy vs. East West Link Supreme Court Challenge (2014 – 2015)
Northern Central City Corridor Study (1999)
Residents Against the Tunnel (2013 – 2015)

Additional Resources

Archived East West Link Campaign Resources (2013 – 2015)
A Ladder of Citizen Participation: Originally published as Arnstein, Sherry R. “A Ladder of Citizen Participation,”
Melbourne’s Transport Crisis: A series of lectures from University of Melbourne Faculty of Architecture Building and Planning
PPL Vic – Charter On Public Transport For Incoming Victorian State Government
Tunnel Vision on Youtube: East West Link – Issues, Media & Community Stories – collated starting from July 2013 or even earlier
Collaborative wiki for the East West Link Comprehensive Impact Statement (2013 – 2014)
Submissions to Panel on East West Link Comprehensive Impact Statement (2014)
YCAT Photo Galleries: You are welcome to use these photos for non-commercial purposes, please give credit to YCAT/names supplied in each gallery.