Victorian Transport Plan – YCAT Responds

On Monday 9th December, The Brumby government released its Victorian Transport Plan. As expected, the Government deferred the East-West Tunnel from the Eastern Freeway to Royal Park.

So can the Yarra community take a collective breath? Probably not. Holland Park has definitely been saved, but Royal Park has merely had its execution stayed and the North Fitzroy Gasworks site will remain in limbo, as will people who’s homes are next to Alexandra Parade. Of great concern is that road builders are now looking to build a freeway called the North-East Link, from the Metropolitan Ring Road in Greensborough to the Eastern Freeway in Bulleen (See map). This could impact some of Melbourne’s most important bushland. Friend’s of Banyule have started a petition.

The decision to defer Eddington’s East-West road tunnel was expected given the electoral pressure faced by Government MPs in these inner northern seats, and the strong campaign by YCAT and many other groups.

The Government has only deferred the East-West tunnel until political circumstances allow a future government to have another crack at it, argued Prof Bill Russell in Almost but not quite the ticket, The Age Dec 5] and Projects that don’t make a strategy, [The Age April 3]

The Government has not ruled it out (as the earlier NCCC study found it was not required) or given any reasons for leaving it out (such as the negative Return on Investment that the Eddington Study reported).

Other parts of the road network are going ahead which will feed more congestion to Alexandra Parade and surrounding streets. The Frankston Bypass will attract traffic onto EastLink, as will the new roads being introduced in the West and the ports.

The failure to support Doncaster Rail will add to congestion on the Eastern Freeway. The extraordinary number of buses required to replace a single train will add to the already heavy traffic on Hoddle St and city streets.

The plan for Johnston St and Victoria Parade overpasses above Hoddle Street are a major concern to Yarra as these favour cars and are impenetrable to every one else. Continue Reading…

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