Analysis of the public submissions to the Eddington Assessment

Last week Greens MLCs Colleen Hartland and Greg Barber launched a report by Kate Wilson from the University of Melbourne that analysed the 2149 public submissions in the Eddington Report process. The report proves that the public overwhelmingly opposes the proposed road tunnel, and want better public transport instead.

The report concludes “the most significant point of the consultation process is that the submissions are actually considered” and makes these very useful recommendations:

  • Recommendation 1: The Brumby government releases to the public its own analysis of the submissions to EWLNA
  • Recommendation 2: The Brumby government acknowledges the consultation process in formulating its transport policy and justifies how the submissions affected the policy process

If adopted, these recommendations will show the public how their submissions were used in the decision making process for the transport policy to be released in November. It is pivotal to see how or if the submissions were considered by the government and to hold them accountable.

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