Economy shouldn’t stall West road works, says Eddington

The Maribyrnong Leader: Economy shouldn’t stall West road works, says Eddington, 30 Oct 08 by Brad Ryan

The global economic meltdown should not stop the State Government building desperately-needed transport infrastructure in the West, Sir Rod Eddington says. Sir Rod, whose high-profile report into transport needs is being considered by the Government, said short-term challenges should not stop long-term planning.

“There’s no doubt that we are in a difficult time economically,’’ Sir Rod told a breakfast for charity Western Chances this morning. “But you (can) assume that the downturn lasts a couple of years, because thats how long most downturns last, and you’re talking about building infrastructure that if its the right infrastructure will be used 50 years from now,’’ he said. Continue Reading…

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