Would the East West Link survive a legal challenge?

A legal challenge could delay the signing of contracts till after the election.

Slater and Gordon are considering launching action against the controversial east-west link tunnel including breaches of the Transport Integration Act.

On the face of it, there is a good case.

From Applying the Transport Integration Act – Transport and the triple bottom line

The Transport Integration Act provides a framework with six transport system objectives (what we are aiming for) and eight decision-making principles (how we deliver this aim).

Decision makers must have regard to all these objectives and principles.

We have developed a framework to help people understand three related objectives of the Transport Integration Act: economic prosperitysocial and economic inclusion and environmental stability.

By taking a triple bottom line approach to decision-making, the transport portfolio will be able to advise the government about the implications of proposed actions on the full range of its policy goals.

Transport Bodies under the act include the Linking Melbourne Authority.

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