No right to strike on East West Link.

Mortlake Power Station. Pictured - l-r Minister for Energy and Resources Michael O'Brien addresses the media at the opening of the Mortlake gas fired power station, with local MP and minister Denis Napthine watching on. 121205RG15 Picture: ROB GUNSTONE
Treasurer Michael O’Brien. Photo: Robert Gunstone

East-west link showdown looms, Josh Gordon, State Political Editor for The Age. August 1st

The Napthine government has foreshadowed tough new laws to prevent industrial strife hampering construction of the east-west link, setting the scene for a showdown with unions ahead of the 2014 state election.

With the state opposition opposed to the $6 billion to $8 billion tunnel, Treasurer Michael O’Brien warned there was no turning back, vowing that contracts to build the road would be locked in just weeks before the state election.

Although Victoria transferred its industrial relations powers to the Commonwealth during the Kennett years, it is believed the Napthine government will considering introducing major-projects legislation designed to limit the scope for industrial or legal action.

It follows revelations by Fairfax Media that, under the terms of the public private partnership, Victoria – ultimately the taxpayers – will bear the cost of any industrial action linked to government policy.

The state government has also stipulated in tender documents that the construction company and subcontractors must comply with its controversial construction code, which is designed to break union power on building sites.

The code, which among other things requires construction companies to allow non-unionised workers on government projects, is being resisted by the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union. Continue Reading…

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