The political reality behind the east-west link

“Sadly, it seems clear that the Coalition has made the east-west link its top transport priority, not because it would be the most effective way of spending $8 billion on solving Melbourne’s transport problems, but because it sees it as an issue to wedge Labor, at federal and state level, between its inner-city and outer-suburban voters.”

By Tim Colebatch,  The Age Economics Editor, July 23 2013

“I’ll urge Kevin Rudd to come down to Melbourne and .. . stand at the top of Hoddle Street and have a look at the Eastern Freeway between 7.30 and 8am and I think he’ll get his chequebook out.”

Premier Denis Napthine, July 16.

It’s a good idea for political leaders to inspect Melbourne’s transport problems. I would urge Dr Napthine, with Treasurer Michael O’Brien and Transport Minister Terry Mulder, to follow his own advice, and begin their own study tour.

They should ask each council to name its worst area of congestion. Then they could spend half an hour every morning visiting each in turn, getting briefed by the city engineer and Better Roads Victoria on the causes of the congestion, its consequences, and potential solutions. Continue Reading…

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