Mission to meet Infrastructure Minister Albanese’s Chief Adviser for Roads

From Julianne Bell,
Secretary, Protectors of Public Lands Victoria Inc. 

The Baillieu Government has applied to the Federal Government for $30 million for another feasibility study of the East West Link. (This would be the third study after the Northern Central City Corridor Study in 2003 and the Eddington Review in 2008.) I and another PPL VIC member will travel to Canberra on Tuesday next to meet Infrastructure Minister Albanese’s Chief Adviser for Roads to put the case against funding the East West Link and to advocate for funding public transport projects including the Doncaster Rail Link. I am asking for groups to reply to me ASAP indicating support for our mission.

I want to present a list of supporting groups at our meeting to indicate the strength of community opposition. (If this massive project proceeds all inner city suburbs will be affected especially if access/ exits to the CBD are to be added. Thanks to the Royal Park Protection Group Inc for contributing to the costs of our trip. Please urgently sign the Greens petition to Parliament. See below. Adam Bandt said that they now have 1300 or so. Lets make it up to 2,000! Regards Julianne Bell Secretary Protectors of Public Lands Victoria Inc.

From the Australian Greens:

In the next month Infrastructure Australia will make its recommendation to the Minister on whether or not to give $30 million to the Baillieu government to pursue its East-West Link proposal – a multi-billion dollar tollway and road-tunnel that will put more cars on our congested roads and direct much-needed money away from where it is most needed: better public transport. The Minister is responsible for the final decision.. Continue Reading…

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