The Road to Hypocrisy

In a breathtaking press release, Baillieu’s tunnel plan a black hole for Victorians, Roads and Ports Minister Tim Pallas and Public Transport Minister Martin Pakula pre-announce (?) an opposition announcement for a tunnel from the end of the Eastern Freeway.  After the predictable preamble on costings, Minister Pallas says:

“This project will mean cars pouring into residential streets in inner city suburbs of Collingwood, Carlton, North Carlton, Fitzroy, North Fitzroy and Parkville.

“It will mean a giant hole in the heart of Royal Park, will impact wetlands, and put tunnel stacks and freeway ramps in Melbourne’s inner suburbs.”

Well yes, this is true, and this is why local ALP members such as Richard Wynne and Bronwyn Pike are dead against the tunnel in these increasingly marginal inner city seats. Continue Reading…

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