The Royal Park Protection Group Inc. (RPPG) and Protectors of Public Lands Victoria Inc (PPL VIC) have engaged a legal team who made a submission and who will represent us at the hearing of the Comprehensive Impact Statement on the East West Link at the Assessment Planning Panel in March 2014.
This is the only legal team supporting community groups so far with legal backup – this action will however benefit all the groups. A donation towards the costs would be appreciated.
“Our barrister attends the hearing all day, every day and has been for 2 weeks representing all our interests. Not only is he Counsel for PPL VIC and RPPG and is defending Royal Park but was named by the Chair as “Coordinating Counsel for all Community Groups” and presented the opening address to this huge forum. Plus he will be expected to make the closing submission for the community. He cross questions expert witnesses and is working with the local Council’s legal representatives at the hearing (Yarra, Melbourne, Moonee Valley and Moreland) . ” – Julianne Bell
This is the only opportunity that the community has to provide direct input to the proposal. The terms of reference have been constrained by the Minister for Planning, and the Linking Melbourne Authority are using every legal intimidation to prevent the panel listening to alternative views, and the independent experts paid by the proponent are not going to give away anything that might assist the panel.
Please make a direct deposit of donations to
“Royal Park Protection Fighting Fund”
BSB: 313 140, Account: 23145824
Cheques can be made to:
Royal Park Protection Group Inc.
PO Box 197 Parkville 3052
Contact: Julianne Bell
Secretary Protectors of Public Lands Victoria Inc. and
Committee Member Royal Park Protection Group Inc.
PO Box 197, Parkville 3052 Victoria
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