Report On No Road Tunnels Protest At Premier Brumby’s Transport Summit

Report on Fridays Rally by Julianne Bell, Convenor Royal Park Protection Group Inc.

Dear Campaigners for Sustainable Public Transport No Road Tunnels – Report On No Road Tunnels Protest At Premier Brumby’s Transport Summit

Thanks to Protestors
Firstly, many thanks to all – about 50 people – who attended the community protest in the Plaza at the John Batman’s Datum (i.e. the red flagpole marking Batman’s Hill) at the Telstra Dome on Friday last 5 September 2008. It was at the difficult time of 1: 15 am for an 11:30 am start but was determined by the Premier’s Transport Summit which was scheduled to start at 12 noon.

Success of Community Protest
A measure of the success of the protest was that it was covered by four TV stations Channels 2, 7, 9 and 10. Channel 3 may be doing a documentary on the opposition to road tunnels. The Herald Sun mentioned our protest but not the Age news. (There has been a letter published today see below.) We expect that it may feature in local papers in the coming week including The Melbourne Times, The Moonee Valley and Melbourne Leader papers. (See the website for TV footage and photos by Cory Baudman. See also, YCAT website (Yarra Campaign Against the Tunnel) Continue Reading…

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