Royal Park Protection Group Inc: News Bulletin – September 2008

No Road Tunnels Protest at Brumby’s Transport Summit, Telstra Dome, 5/9/2008. Photo Cory Baudman

Eddington’s Road Tunnel and Freeway Plans Spell Destruction for Melbourne

Since our last bulletin was released in mid July 2008 the battle for our parks and suburbs has intensified. The Royal Park Protection Group Inc. (RPPG) has been a leading player in the opposition ranks. It is, however, a mighty uneven David and Goliath struggle with community groups pitted against the interlocking interests of State and Federal Government, big business, financial institutions and unions. As reported, inner city Councils of Melbourne, Moonee Valley and Yarra have, however, resolved to oppose road tunnels.

Some good news was that about 2,300 submissions were received in mid July in response to the Eddington Review. (The Department of Transport had expected only 300 and was, reportedly, stunned by the number of submissions pouring in.) Congratulations and thanks to all groups and individuals who cared enough to respond. RPPG managed to obtain an invitation to a Department of Transport forum in Doncaster (one of the eight staged by the Brumby Government in August), ostensibly held to consult with the public on Victoria’s Transport Plan. Continue Reading…

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