YCAT Update – 4 July

Just a few items of news for your information. Last night we had another successful organising meeting at the Fitzroy Town Hall. We discussed many things including

Rally / Family Day
We are going full steam ahead with our first rally / family day on July 27. The details are 1pm at Smiths Reserve, Fitzroy, next to Fitzroy Pool, Melways Map 2C 5C. We will need help to letterbox and advertise this in the next few weeks.

New website now up and running
Check out the new site at www.ycat.org.au Many thanks to Chris for her great work on this.

Date for fundraising gig locked in
Our first fundraiser will be a night of dub, ska and hip hop at the Laundry on Johnston St Fitzroy. It will be held from 8pm on the 8/8/08 (easy to remember!) The line up will be announced soon. Many thanks to Sarah for organising this.

Climate Emergency Rally this Saturday 1pm
YCAT will be marching with the “no tunnels contingent” and will meet at the Burke and Wills statue in the City Square at the north-west corner of Collins and Swanton Street. We will have a leaflet ready for the day so we will need volunteers to help hand these out.

We will also have an information stall and a meeting after the rally. Meet from about 3pm onwards at the Young & Jackson Hotel corner of Swanston & Flinders Sts. This will be a good opportunity for us to build the group and link up with other anti tunnel campaigners.

Meeting next week
Our next organising meeting will be next Thursday 7pm at the Fitzroy Town Hall.

Hope to see you all there!


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