The 2014 transport election: We demand our say!

The 2014 transport election: We demand our say! Organising to win public transport in Victoria

Come along to this public meeting on Wednesday October 15 to discuss how community groups can ensure public transport is put at the top of the political agenda in the lead up to the November 29 state election.

6pm, Wednesday 15 October, Multicultural Hub, 506 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne

RSVP: No East West Tunnel – Take the pledge: Facebook event or email:

Organised by a coalition of pro public transport community groups, this meeting will discuss plans for joint action in the lead up to the election and beyond. A public rally in the CBD on Saturday November 15 will be an important focus.

Speakers: Danae Bosler (Public Transport Not Traffic), Tristan Groeger (Rail Revival Alliance), Anthony Main (Tunnel Picket). Chaired by Mary Merkenich (Rail to Doncaster)

We invite all interested community groups to attend. We want to build upon the success of the  June 28 Rally4PT and bring everyone together to push for real solutions to Victoria’s transport problems.

Invest in public transport! – Scrap the East-West Link! – Rip up the contracts!

Help promote the 15 November Rally

Download November 15 rally leaflet (A4, pdf, 2.3m)

Download November 15 rally poster (A3, pdf, 6.1m)

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