Protest the Liberals’ big business fundraising dinner

From No East West Link – Take the Pledge: The Napthine Liberal government is using the East-West Link and other major road projects to leverage donations from their big business mates in the lead up to the November state election.

  • 6pm, Thursday, 28 August, Regent Theatre, 191 Collins Street, Melbourne
  • Facebook event

Companies set to profit from projects like the East-West Link have been asked to spend up to $10,000 to buy a table at a the ‘Premier’s Victorian Infrastructure Dinner’.

Opponents of the East-West Link have consistently explained that the only people set to benefit from this project are the big banks, transport and construction firms.

If allowed to go ahead ordinary people will have their homes, parks and communities destroyed. Taxpayers will shoulder the burden of any losses and motorists will pay via expensive tolls.

The alternative to toll roads is an expanded public transport system. For the money being wasted on the East-West Link public transport could be dramatically improved in this city.

Come along to this protest to send the state government and their big business backers a strong message. We will not let you profit at our expense!

Scrap the East-West Link
Invest in public transport
Rip up the contracts

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