East West Link jury has returned its verdict

Press Release: Residents Against the Tunnel (RATs): East West Link jury has returned its verdict – Release the report……..and then go back to the drawing board. (30 May 2014)

Planning Minister Matthew Guy was today due to receive the report of the Assessment Committee on the Comprehensive Impact Statement (CIS) for the proposed East West Link Stage 1.

RATs (Residents Against the Tunnel) call for the full report to be released immediately. The Minister has 20 working days before he has to decide on whether to grant all the planning and environmental approvals as a single package.

RATS spokesperson, Harriet Mantell said, “We all know what the Minister wants. The public has the right to know what the publicly funded, independent Assessment Committee has concluded, and should not have to wait while the Minister ploughs ahead with approving the original design. And while he is at it, he should release the full business case.”

“Stage 1 of the proposed East West Link alone is estimated to cost $8 billion, but the recent decision to proceed with Stage 2 raises that cost to somewhere around $18 billion. This is too big a decision to be taken in secret”, Ms Mantell said. Continue Reading…

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