The Real East West Link Community update: November 2013

Screenshot - Real East West Link Community Update November 2013

YCAT recently received this comprehensive, yet thoughtful, community update pertaining to the proposed East West Link.  Hope you enjoy reading this half as much as we did.

The Real East West Link Community Update – November 2013 (PDF, 2.4M)

Since the release of the slick, but detail-bereft animation showing the destruction of homes, parkland, businesses and Melbourne’s livability, we, Linking Melbourne Authority, seem to have been busy ignoring communities and dodging questions.

So far think we’re doing pretty well, but there’s a pesky group of protesters who have continued to out-smart, out-number and out-chant the scores of police we sent to protect corporate interests over those of the citizens. We even built a cage so that workers could drill in unsafe environments surrounded by police, but eventually we had to abandon our geo-technical test drilling. We have tried everything we can to cajole, intimidate and physically push around these upstanding citizens, but they seem pretty determined to stop this tunnel and demand investment in public transport for all Victorians.

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