Preliminary hearing of the East West Link Comprehensive Impact Statement (CIS) Planning Panel

Preliminary hearing EWL CIS Planning Panel_14Jan2014

And here are the 2 rows of bureaucrats –  contemplating the notion of hot tubbing.

Preliminary hearing of the East West Link Comprehensive Impact Statement (CIS) Planning Panel. Report & photo by Jill Koppel

Held 14 January 2014 to outline key timelines prior to the Hearing and how the month long Hearing will be conducted.

One side of the room comprised two rows of government agencies such as Linking Melbourne Authority (LMA), Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD), Department of Transport (DOT), Environment Protection Authority (EPA) etc. Opposite them sat the key ‘submitters’ (for want of a better descriptor) such as the four Councils (mainly barristers representing, or officers) plus the only barrister representing a community stakeholder (Protectors of Public Lands Victoria Inc. (PPL VIC), / Royal Park Protection Group (RPPG).

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