Plan Melbourne issues – or how stories develop in the media

Where's Wally?

First up – here’s the text of a earlier story as it appeared online at the Herald Sun at about 3.30pm, 11 December 2013

1. Herald Sun: Former planning adviser hits out at Napthine Government over East West Link and long-term strategy

A former key planning adviser to the Napthine Government has made an extraordinary attack on the East West Link project and the long-term strategy for Melbourne’s development.

Professor Roz Hansen, who chaired the government’s Metropolitan Planning Strategy Ministerial Advisory Committee, last night told a city council meeting the planned road tunnel was a shortsighted and politically expedient option to solve the city’s transport woes.

“This inner-urban freeway project will undermine, erode and destroy part of our Royal Park, being a special place of state and metropolitan significance as well as a signature feature of Melbourne’ renowned network of large parks and gardens,” she said. Continue Reading…

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