Ugly smell of corruption moves from Spring Street to Collins Street


Community tunnel picket and friends at the Regent Theatre, 28 August 2014

YCAT Editorial – Victoria needs an urgent ban on political donations by developers.

A Liberal Party “Infrastructure dinner” on Thursday 28th August 2014 is selling tables to major construction firms and developers for $10,000 each.

This is no different to the NSW MP who sold a picture for $10,000 more than it was worth. Another NSW MP “forgot” about $10,000 he received in a paper bag and the former Premier who “forgot” a $3,000 bottle of Grange Hermitage wine.

In NSW, politicians who receive $10,000 from developers are investigated by their ICAC and forced to resign.

In Victoria they become “Friends of Denis Napthine” and are given favoured access.

Victoria needs to legislate a ban on political donations from developers.

It needs to increase our IBACs powers, to match the NSW ICAC, so it can be effective.

Any developer or infrastructure company attending this dinner should be banned for four years from winning a Government contract or having a rezoning application approved.  Tough measures are required to ensure corruption does not take root. Continue Reading…

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