Route 100 Light Rail – Doncaster to Inner City

Route 100 Light Rail – Doncaster to Inner City by Victorian Transport Action Group
The attached paper on a Doncaster light rail which continues along Alexandra Parade to Nicholson Street has been developed by Victorian Transport Action Group (VTAG), who are seeking feedback before finalising the paper. This paper can be distributed to others. Any comments should go to Mike Reece of VTAG via email: mikereece[AT]
A key issue is the absence of any public transport the full length of Alexandra Parade, despite this carrying 70,000 vehicles per day, and the underdeveloped land use along Alexandra Parade. However, would light rail if built, preclude building the Doncaster Rail Line?
Route 100 Light Rail – Doncaster to Inner City by Victorian Transport Action Group (VTAG) Version 2 by Yarra Campaign for Action on Transport (YCAT)