Homes likely to be bulldozed to make way for tunnel

Page 2 of Linking Melbourne Correspondence to local residents

The actual East West Link details are a gigantic puzzle for Melbourne residents: this piece could be a massive on-ramp slicing through Collingwood…

The Age:  Homes likely to be bulldozed to make way for tunnel

Collingwood residents near Hoddle Street have been told their properties are likely to be bulldozed to make for the East-West Link road tunnel.

The state government’s Linking Melbourne Authority sent letters to property owners on Monday informing them it was likely their homes would be compulsorily acquired for the $6 to $8 billion road tunnel.

Premier Denis Napthine is refusing to say how many properties will be compulsorily acquired to make way for the road, claiming that “details will be provided at an appropriate time.”

But in the letter, the authority’s chief executive Ken Mathers said he was able to release details of the proposed route and key features including on and off ramps, where the tunnel would surface at the end of the tollway and how it would accommodate public transport.

“Importantly for you, this detailed design identifies that your property is likely to be required for construction of the East West Link.” Continue Reading…
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