East-west link protesters say no to ‘rat’s nest of off-ramps’

The Age: East-west link protesters say no to ‘rat’s nest of off-ramps’ Stephen Cauchi.

About 250 local residents have gathered at the Ross Straw baseball field in Parkville to protest against the proposed east-west link

Under current plans for the toll road, the field will be replaced by a series of off-ramps. Residents gathered at the baseball clubhouse, enjoyed a sausage sizzle and waved banners bearing slogans such as: “Trains not tolls” and “Say no to the $8b tunnel.”

A map, created by the state government’s Linking Melbourne Authority and seen by Fairfax Media, contains dotted lines indicating on and off ramps that connect the elevated link to Arden Street and to Lloyd Street, above. Photo: GoogleThe meeting was addressed by local councillors, park officials, local ALP state members and Federal Greens MP Adam Bandt.

Mr Bandt called the project “a monstrosity” that would “tear up the park and turn it into a rat’s nest of on and off-ramps. Continue Reading…

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