Adam Bandt in Parliament – East West business case, Monday 24 March 2014

Message from Adam Bandts office:

Adam is in Canberra for Parliament this week and spent a considerable amount of time in the Chamber last night debating the Land Transport Infrastructure Amendment Bill 2014. He questioned the Assisting Minister, Mr Briggs MP seeking the release of the business case for the proposed East West Link.

Below is Adam’s contribution to the debate:

Mr BANDT (Melbourne) (17:24): I am pleased to hear the assistant minister saying that he wants to increase transparency, because, despite everything the assistant minister just said, it is my recollection that—and I stand to be corrected on this—the Prime Minister actually said he had seen the business case for the East West Link. If that is the case, the government sure ought to be in a position to table it now, and not come into this chamber and give some answer that apparently Infrastructure Australia is not being cooperative; that is simply not the case. Continue Reading…

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