Call to attend the parliamentary debate on East West Link legislation on Tuesday 3 September 2013


A request from Julianne Bell, Protectors of Public Lands Victoria Inc., calling for people to attend the parliamentary debate on East West Link legislation this Tuesday 3 September 2013

Tuesday 3 September 2013 is another D Day for the East West Link. The Bill – Major Transport Project Facilitation (East West Link and Other Projects) Amendment Bill 2013 is scheduled for debate and a final vote in the Upper House of Parliament. Parliament meets at 2 pm on a Tuesday. Government Business starts at 3: 30 pm.

The Bill is listed second on the agenda so you might have to sit through another Bill which concerns education. All the issues about the East West Link might well be thrashed out in public. (If you have not already done so look up Hansard and read the debate in the Lower House on 22 August 2013. (See Continue Reading…

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