Comedian and environmental activist Rod Quantock receives Medal of the Order of Australia in Queen’s Birthday Honours

A comedian with a conscience: Rod Quantock's conservation work has been awarded. Photo: James Penlidis

A comedian with a conscience: Rod Quantock’s conservation work has been awarded. Photo: James Penlidis

The Age: Comedian and environmental activist Rod Quantock receives Medal of the Order of Australia in Queen’s Birthday Honours. Debbie Cuthbertson, Arts Editor, The Age (8 June 2015)

Medal of the Order of Australia (OAM)

ROD QUANTOCK –  Comedian and environmental activist

Clifton Hill comedian Rod Quantock may be best known for his work on stage and TV, but his Medal of the Order of Australia equally recognises his services to sustainability and conservation as well as the performing arts.

The star of TV comedies including Australia, You’re Standing In It and Melbourne International Comedy Festival veteran has also joined community campaigns including protests against the East West Link, the grassroots fight to stop McDonalds from opening in Tecoma and the push to save Albert Park when the Australian Formula One Grand Prix came to Melbourne.

He combines the two disciplines in his latest project, predicated upon the “extinction” of the Tim Tam due to peak oil and climate change.

“Half my life is being a comedian and the other half talking about sustainability,” Quantock, 66, says. “I’ve spent 10 years working on climate change and peak oil and doing shows on them.” Continue Reading…

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