Is this respect: Crucial information left out while Federal funds for link at risk

Local residents anxious and angry with East West predicative plans.

Local residents anxious and angry with East West predicative plans.

The Napthine government left out crucial information about the east-west link when it submitted its business case to Infrastructure Australia last month, prompting the federal authority to seek more details.

The lack of detail about the $6 billion to $8 billion toll road’s economic credentials risks stymying the project if the federal Labor government is re-elected.

On Tuesday, Premier Denis Napthine used his government’s release of detailed designs on where the six-kilometre road will run to make a direct pitch to Prime Minister Kevin Rudd. He said the case for the road was now undeniable and called on Mr Rudd to match Opposition Leader Tony Abbott’s promise to put in $1.5 billion. Continue Reading…

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