Tunnel Vision

Illustration: Mick Connolly.

Illustration: Mick Connolly.

A first look at the east-west link impact statement raises more questions than it answers. from  The Sunday Age’s State Poitical Editor.

If you’ve ever watched the state government’s animated videos spruiking the east-west link, you could be forgiven for thinking that once the tunnel is built, Melbourne will become a traffic utopia: a congestion-free network of seamless roads and clear blue skies, where cars drive around in an orderly fashion to the sound of soothing guitar melodies.

Until recently, the justification for the $8 billion tunnel consisted of this type of imagery, along with a handful of press releases and a ”short form” business case that looked more like a glossy pamphlet than a rigorous analysis of the project.  Now, after months of criticism over its lack of transparency, the government has finally released the Comprehensive Impact Statement for the link.

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