Day 5 – Public Hearings – East West Link (Eastern Section) Project Assessment Committee: Friday 7th March 2014

This post includes:

  1. Day 5: East West Link blog updates
  2. Storify: Mainstream media and live-tweeting from Day 5 of EWL Public Hearings

1. Friday 7 March 3pm update

Wyatt: “The Urban Design Framework sets out a framework of possibilities that could be done… it is not prescriptive.” Just after lunch, the cross-examination focused in on the ‘gateway’ experiences at the two tunnel portals. Pitt asked Wyatt about the role of the western portal as a ‘gateway’ to the city. Wyatt said this could tie in western portal with Citylink features: “[it] could be an iconic gateway but it doesn’t necessarily need to be competitive [with Citylink]“.

Finanzio followed in cross-examination focusing on what constitutes good urban design.

Traffic Projections: What do all the numbers mean?

At the East West Link public hearings this week there countless numbers thrown around, with claim and counter claim about what they mean.

Transport Minister, Terry Mulder sounded justifiably peeved when he said,”it seems the commentary on this project is that either no one will use it or too many vehicles will use it”.

So what can we make of all the numbers? Firstly, we need to understand there are five separate issues being discussed. And we are talking about four different measures – the traffic numbers today, traffic in 2021 when the tunnel opens, the traffic in 2031 after 10 years and what it would have been in 2031 if the freeway tunnel had not been built.

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