Secret report on east-west link reveals traffic explosion

The Age reports on the traffic explosion predicted by this project.  It explains some of the inconsistencies (or cover up) in the Comprehensive Impact Statement. There is a lively comments section too.

Secret report on east-west link reveals traffic explosion. from Josh Gordon State political editor for The Age. December 9th 2013

The east-west link will trigger huge increases in traffic on key sections of Melbourne’s road network, with parts of Hoddle Street and the Liberal stronghold of Kew among the worst hit.
The Napthine government’s own secret traffic modelling reveals hundreds of thousands of motorists face more rather than less congestion as a direct result of the $6 billion to $8 billion project.

The detailed forecasts, obtained by The Age, reveal traffic at the top of Hoddle Street near the Eastern Freeway – already one of Melbourne’s most congested spots – is expected to rise by up to 35 per cent during the morning peak by 2021 because of the project.

Traffic on other parts of Hoddle Street closer to the city is expected to improve by up to 9 per cent, but the figures appear to contradict government claims that overall congestion on Hoddle Street will be relieved by the project.

The report, prepared by consulting firm Veitch Lister for the Linking Melbourne Authority in July, also shows roads feeding into the Eastern Freeway will carry thousands more cars within the next eight years when the road, connecting the Eastern Freeway to CityLink, is completed. Continue Reading…

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