#GetOnBoard Community Powered Transport Plan

From Get On Board: Our transport system is a mess.
Roads don’t relieve congestion, they create it. But state government after state government keep building roads. They keep putting the road lobby and private interests before smart transport solutions.
This is why we need to build enough momentum to stop ANY mega toll road project that they put on the table.
And that’s where our #GetOnBoard plan comes in.
In early February, 100 community members gathered to #GetOnBoard the new Community Powered Transport Plan. There were people from Altona to Mordialloc, Bullen and in between. There were people who usually voted Labor, Liberal, Green or for Minor Parties. But we want to set our differences aside to get the job done.
It’s up to us to get on board and get on with the job.
We’ve experienced decades of institutional failure. We’ve got amazing academics and urban planners with bright ideas. The community is hungry for better public transport to reduce congestion on our roads. Successive governments have failed to put in place the smart transport policies to cope with a growing Melbourne.