Todays citizen journalism via twitter + news coverage of todays events, plus yet more promises from the Napthine government about public transport with a Melbourne airport sweetener, “will begin this decade” Yeah right, remember Terry Mulders promises for Doncaster Rail in the run up to the 2010 state election?
Also read on for the latest on Planning Panels hearings beginning on 3 March 2014 and live-blogging of the presentations.
Great day to commit a crime in Melbourne. Vic Pol are defending big capital who’ll profit from #EWLink. #Tunnelpicket
— Fitzroy Terrorist (@light_of_flynn) February 26, 2014
Clearing out gran’s wardrobe today I found this: A sticker from the F19 campaign of the 70s. I come from good stock.
— Fitzroy Terrorist (@light_of_flynn) February 27, 2014