East West Link cost to taxpayers should be released: experts

The Age: East West Link cost to taxpayers should be released: experts. November 19, 2014. Royce Millar and Ben Schneiders

Infrastructure experts have called on the Napthine government to release the cost to taxpayers of the first stage of the East West link, dismissing government claims the figures would jeopardise competition for the second stage of the controversial toll road.

Last week Treasurer Michael O’Brien refused to release details of the government’s payments to the East West Connect consortium after a group of 10 transport academics estimated the total cost of the first stage of the road to Victorian taxpayers at up to $17.8 billion.

They estimated the government’s quarterly payments to the Lend Lease-led consortium, at $12.5 billion over 25 years. Mr O’Brien insisted publication of the figures would compromise competition on the second and more expensive stage which would extend the link to the Western Ring Road. Continue Reading…

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