Important access tunnel

Bendigo Advertiser: Important access tunnel By Michael Langdon, Liberal candidate for Bendigo West September. 16, 2014

Daniel Andrews has shown Victorians what an economic vandal he is by vowing to tear up East West Link contracts.

The East West Link will deliver real benefits for central Victoria, including a direct connection from the Calder Freeway to Eastern Freeway via a new tunnel.

Not only does Daniel Andrews want to deny Bendigo these benefits, if he gets the chance to implement his threat, he will deny 6200 Victorians a job.

Daniel Andrews has shown he does not care about Bendigo.

But, his vandalism goes beyond this. By signalling his intention to tear up legally binding contracts, he is telling the business community their investment is not welcome in Victoria.

And that means more jobs gone than the 6200 that would be created by East West Link.

This reckless back flip shows he cannot be believed. As recently as September 4, he affirmed his intention to honour any legally binding contract.

Victoria needs the East West Link, the widening of Tullamarine and CityLink as well as the building of the Ravenswood Interchange. Only the napthine coalition government will build these projects.

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