Parkville residents would endure more than 2000 truck trips a day during East West Link construction

Melbourne Leader: Parkville residents would endure more than 2000 truck trips a day during East West Link construction. Nic Price. 5 May 2014

The number of trucks removing fill from the East West Link sites in Parkville is set to top 2000 a day. Source: News Corp Australia

Parkville residents will feel the brunt of more than four truck movements every minute during the three-to-four year tunnelling process for the $8 billion first stage of the East West Link.

A traffic impact assessment by consultant GHD carried out late last year found there would be 2200 truck trips a day to remove spoil from the 6km tunnel and 1000 truck trips for tunnel materials.

More than 3000 cubic metres of East West Link tunnel spoil is expected to be contaminated. Source: News Limited

That would result in about 4.5 truck movements every minute, mostly concentrated at the western end in Parkville where tunnelling would begin next year.

Flemington Rd, Elliott Ave, the Tullamarine Freeway and local roads are set to be temporarily or partially closed, but a final traffic plan has yet to be developed.

New ramps may be built from Royal Park on to CityLink (over the large wetlands pond) to reduce the impact on residents and local roads.

Linking Melbourne Authority executive project director Kevin Devlin said the contractor would be required to restrict truck movements in residential areas and provide on-site parking to prevent parking on local roads.

But Opposition Planning spokesman Brian Tee raised concerns over residents being exposed to contaminated soil, particularly if a truck crashed.

Of the 3 million cubic metres of spoil from tunnelling, 3000 to 4000 cubic metres is expected to be ­contaminated.

“There will be no-one out there looking out for the health impact on kids walking to school or kicking the footy,” Mr Tee said.

But Mr Devlin said trucks would have loads covered and secured at all times and comply with EPA regulations for transporting contaminated materials.

The three consortia bidding to build the tunnel submitted their final bids last week and a contract is expected to be signed before the November state election.

How will truck movements and link construction impact on your community? Tell us below or join in the community conversation at the Melbourne Leader Facebook page.


■ Stage 1 of the East West Link — connecting the Eastern Freeway and CityLink — is tipped to cost $8 billion, with the State Government promising the first sod will be turned before November’s election

■ Work on Stage 2 of the link — connecting CityLink to the Western Ring Rd — will cost between $8 billion and $10 billion and is now set to take place simultaneously with Stage 1

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