Surprise! Planning Minister approves the East West Link

30 June 2014 – As expected – Matthew Guy approves the Eastern Section of East West Link with some very cursory references to the Assessment Committees recommendations.

This approval raises many more questions, eg: how will the winning consortia possibly adapt to the new recommendations, is Royal Park really “saved” and can someone  explain to us where “Pakeningham” is located?

East West Link Panel Report slide quote sampler

East West Link (Eastern Section) Project Assessment Committee Report, 30 May 2014, Page 195

Picture 6 of 20

East West Link (Eastern Section) Project Assessment Committee Report


Analysis of the East West Link approval process & related topics:

Media Release: Planning Minister approves the East West Link (Monday, 30 June 2014)
Planning Minister Matthew Guy today gave the green light for the eastern section of the East West Link, including the port connection, and released the full report of the East West Link Project Assessment Committee.

Minister’s decision: Ministers Approval Decision and Reasons Signed (pdf, 27m)


Assessment Committee and Environmental Protection Authority Reports
We’ve linked the these reports below & also embedded them via google viewer.

The Assessment Committee’s Report:

The Environment Protection Authority (EPA) report:


One thought on “Surprise! Planning Minister approves the East West Link”

  1. Nick Bishop (318) says:

    Interesting that the Assessment Panel supported the project (despite most submissions opposing it).

    The process illustrates that if the Planning Minister tweaks enough rules, and puts enough constraints on the Assessment Panel, it will give the result he always wanted.

    Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a bulldozer to lie in front of.

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