PENINSULA Link builder Abigroup won’t bulldoze the environmentally sensitive Westerfield property until the outcome of a Heritage Council appeal.
Roads Minister Tim Pallas told The Frankston Leader while Abigroup had all the permits to start construction, it would now wait until the appeal lodged by the property owners was finalised.
Ominously Mr Pallas added, “Let’s hope the Heritage Council can deal with the matter as quickly as possible.”
Mr Pallas was in Seaford last week to spruik Abigroup’s new office and the Brumby Government’s Peninsula Link, a 27km toll-free road.
Sadly, Peninsula Link will go through native undisturbed bushland, while the investment is directly taken away from decent public transport to the peninsular. Once complete it will add to the road lobby’s push to extend the Eastern Freeway to City Link via Collingwood, Fitzroy North, Carlton and Princes Park.
Bill Russell from the Centre for Urban Studies said on ABCs Stateline on Friday 16th July that:
” we will probably see the metro rail tunnel funded in the next two or three rounds of federal funding. But as I say, the trucks action plan is quite small; it’s only $380 million and the state could fund that from its own resources, really. And then, I think that both the WestLink and the Peninsula Link really ought to be postponed five or ten years into the future.
Save The Pines’ Gillian Collins, who is leading the Community Picket that has so far saved the bushland said:
“With a State and Federal election looming, we remain hopeful that this project will be stopped, the land repaired, and more public transport and an upgrade to Moorooduc Highway will be considered. It’s not too late.”
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Abigroup are saying that they now “OWN” our public roads in that area..
who have we sold our country too and at what cost?!
Our hospital system, our schools, our nursing homes and our public transport system are horridly neglected for these megalithic monuments to Brumby’s manhood! Our diggers would be outraged if they knew how few rights we have under these new legislations designed to hand over Australia to the corporate interests from other countries.